
It is Infinite Time Org.’s intention to present an unflinching view of human existence’s reality, consistent with the best scientific evidence available. This picture may, or may not, be pleasing to some. That is irrelevant. To build a sustainable human existence on the planet, the first one has to know is reality. It is the only solid ground; we cannot build a world view on vapor, for instance, on the assumption of a supernatural world’s existence. Here, in the US, we created a Disney World Existence. Life wrapped in religion, myth, credulity is made tolerable for the individual. Most things, except some really important ones, such as money which determines the power structure in a capitalist society, come down to playing games. Words like democracy and freedom are abundantly thrown around, giving everybody a warm feeling without the slightest understanding of meaning. What is wrong with this? Well, it is not sustainable. We cannot forever disregard the real world. So, what does reality say about us humans, as we know reality at the beginning of the 21st century?

We are a species on a 4.5 billion-year-old planet. We have been around for a few million years. We are a mammalian species. We, as individuals are born, reproduce, and die, thereby propagate our species. We expand our numbers until a limit is imposed on us. In the last few centuries, our species has multiplied many fold.

This is the only solid reality onto which we can try to build. Based on this picture, what is that we may call “Good” vs. “Bad”? Good, or Bad, of course, is not reality anymore, but opinion. Based on the above-presented reality, Infinite Time Org. regards Good something, action, belief, organization, anything, if it likely leads to lengthening the time that our species stays in existence. Bad, obviously, is the opposite: anything that shortens humanity’s slice of time.

Why are such thoughts even remotely relevant? The power of our species, acquired through science, puts us in peril of ending our own story. If we seek solutions it is essential to understand ourselves, our motivations; to try to read Nature correctly, remembering that Nature knows no favorites and is under no obligation to be pleasing toward us humans. If we take our Disney World Existence seriously, we are soon finished.

In the following pages, notes, posts, this thinking will be the connecting thread. One may be surprised how sometimes even the most minor events can be interpreted very differently in the Disney World Existence vs. reality.

Infinite Time Org. tries to be universal but primarily will relate to US events and opinions. Other places, such as most of Europe, may not share the same Disney World Existence of the US, but they are not nearer to reality, either. Most of the rest of the world is so thoroughly wrapped in religious superstition that it is not even worth discussion. It is not that we disregard thousands of years old cultures. They served and achieved greatness in their own time. Today, they are ossified obstacles. For better or worse, at least for now, events and hopes rest with the US.

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